Lowongan Kerja Bibit September 2024

Lowongan Kerja Bibit Jakarta September 2024

Lowongan Kerja Bibit September 2024

Bibit merupakan aplikasi Reksa Dana untuk membantu investor pemula untuk memulai berinvestasi. Siapapun bisa langsung berinvestasi dengan optimal sesuai dengan level risiko. Tanpa perlu pengalaman. Tanpa harus bingung. Tinggal terima beres.

Teknologi Bibit menggunakan riset pemenang Nobel Prize, Modern Portfolio Theory, untuk menyesuaikan investasi anda ke reksa dana yang cocok dengan profil risiko, sesuai dengan usia, toleransi risiko, serta keadaan finansial anda.

Pengguna aplikasi reksa dana Bibit tersebar diberbagai wilayah Indonesia dari 518 kota dan provinsi, dari Aceh hingga Papua, dengan demografi lebih dari 90 persen dibawah usia 35 tahun. Sebagian besar pengguna aplikasi reksa dana Bibit tinggal di daerah Jabodetabek.

Dilansir dari hasil wawancara pers pada September 2024 lalu, CEO Bibit kala itu, Wellson Lo, menjelaskan Bibit merupakan marketplace atau lokapasar yang menjual produk-produk reksa dana.

Namun tak hanya sekadar menjual produk-produk reksa dana, Bibit juga dilengkapi robo advisor yang dapat membantu memudahkan orang untuk berinvestasi dengan menggabungkan elemen financial advisor juga financial planning.

Saat ini Bibit id yang berlokasi di Jakarta kembali membuka lowongan kerja bagi lulusan S1/S2 untuk mengisi beragam posisi yang sedang kosong dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut:

Product Researcher


  1. 1-2 years of working experience in Product/UX/Market Research
  2. Can do various type of research: quantitative and qualitive, evaluative and foundational
  3. Preferably proficient in foundational research Proactive, in terms of asking questions, evangelizing research needs and research results
  4. Can balance the need of various party (i.e research, designer, PO, business, IT)
  5. Agile (able to adapt fast changes/iteration)
  6. A plus if: Understand Data Query; Understand analytic platforms: Google Analytics, Clevertap; Experience in Stock Market and Social Media Product


  • Understand the problem that the team/company wants to solve and able to translate it into research initiative to help solve the problem
  • Plan the research: form the timeline, discussion guidelines, participants/respondent criteria, how to reach respondent/participant, as well as creating a budget plan for the research
  • Do the research: conduct the fieldwork, be adaptive to team needs and participant needs
  • Synthesize the data, create the report, pull out insights don’t just present the data
  • Follow it up: the process doesn’t stop after the report is finished, evangelized it, plan what to do next while still in line with team and company priorities
  • Communicate and evangelize research findings/report to other function.


  • Supportive teammates
  • Health insurance benefits
  • Self development activities that support careers
  • Flexible working hours
  • Remote working during pandemic
  • Broaden your knowledge in financial investment

Data Engineer


  1. Experienced in Big Data and Orchestration software such as Airflow is a big plus.
  2. Experienced in Cloud Service environment, especially GCP + BigQuery. Skill in other Cloud Services is a big plus
  3. Experienced in working with RDBMS & Non-RDBMS datastores
  4. In conjunction with the requirement above, excellent skills in writing efficient querying language especially SQL
  5. Experienced in utilizing popular Visualization Tools such as Tableau / Holistics / Metabase etc
  6. Skilled in Python programming
  7. Understand how to analyze & utilize data in order to provide value/insights for company decision making
  8. Great understanding about investment and business in general is a big plus
  9. Good Teamwork & Communication skills


  • Construct and maintain efficient data pipelines + warehouses for data collection
  • Develop necessary scripts/mini-apps to run data analysis
  • Provide recommendations to improve data quality
  • Ensure and support the data architecture utilized by data scientists and analysts
  • Development of data processes for data modeling, mining, and data production
  • Giving suggestion for any data architecture for every element in organization


  • Supportive teammates
  • Health insurance benefits
  • Self development activities that support careers
  • Flexible working hours
  • Remote working during pandemic
  • Broaden your knowledge in financial investment

Tech Recruiter (Contract Based)


  1. Proven success as a recruiter
  2. Dedicated for 3 months employment with performance review every month
  3. Can join as soon as possible
  4. Hands-on experience in the entire recruitment life cycle
  5. Industry hiring experience is a plus
  6. Knowledge of effective hiring practices (e.g. social media recruiting)
  7. Excellent communication skills
  8. Strong decision-making skills
  9. Outstanding organization ability


  • Meet with managers and HR to discuss their hiring needs and formulate strategy
  • Source qualified candidates via job sites, databases, networking etc.
  • Help establish connections with professional groups, communities and other organizations
  • Select and present qualified candidates to hiring teams
  • Help hiring teams interview candidates through various methods (e.g. structured interviews, behavioral interviews)
  • Advise hiring managers to help them make better hiring decisions
  • Create reports on hiring progress and other recruiting metrics


  • Work From Home
  • Monthly fixed salary


Bagi anda yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, silahkan kirim lamaran Lowongan Kerja Bibit September 2024 melalui link berikut:


Lowongan kerja ini tidak dipungut biaya. Lamaran yang tidak memenuhi kualifikasi diatas tidak akan diproses. Hanya kandidat terbaik yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi tahap selanjutnya.